We won Best Animation Bronze Award

We Won Our First Animation Award!

We are proud to announce our animation have won the Best Digital Entertainment Award - Bronze
Animation Award of HKICT Awards 2012. The judging criteria include: Originality, Creativity, Entertainment Value,
Technology, Business Potential and Social Impact.We are happy to win the Bronze Award from various entrants.
It encouraged our team to create more high quality local animation! swiss replica watches

Croxx A Workshop 奪得了第一個動畫獎項!

我們很高興作品《夢遊日報》奪得了香港資訊及通訊科技獎 : 最佳數碼娛樂獎(動畫)銅獎。是次獎項的評審準則包括原創

more reference:  http://www.hkictawards.hk/